Sunday, September 22, 2013

Want To Learn the Basics of Aikido?

If you are planning to move to western Sydney or  if you already live there and you are looking for something new and different to do, you might be interested to learn a  martial art. There are many martial arts out there like Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai and many more but you might want to consider Aikido. What is Aikido you may ask. Well, Aikido is a Japanese martial art which literally means "the way of harmonious spirit". Not all martial art are all about just violence and physicality. The goal of the creator of Aikido was to create a martial art that can be used by practitioners to be able to defend themselves at the same time protecting the attacker from injuries as well. Aikido now has different styles stemming from the original one. They all have a broad range of emphasis and interpretations.

Living in an area like Western Sydney or any place for that matter, you cannot always be assured of being safe all the time. Sydney aikido will not only be good for self-defence but it is also a great  from of exercise. You get different kinds of benefits from just one activity. You do not need worry if you are not a very physical person or one who is athletic. Unlike some other martial arts practice this is one that does not require you to have a lot of physical strength and power. This is good to know because that means it can be for all ages and for the whole family. 

Aikido is performed by going with the motions done by the attacker and redirecting his or her force.  The attackers’ movements and strengths should not be opposed head on to prevent injuries. This technique protects both parties from harm. This just shows that Aikido is against violence but just mainly focused on defence and protection. It also teaches concern for the well-being of another person, even if that person intends to harm you. 

Aikido is a good choice you are one who does not really like violence and fighting, but you also want to be sure that you can protect yourself and your family when the need calls for it. In western Sydney, there are many  places that offer different styles of Aikido classes. They have separate classes for kids and adults. Kids need to learn early as well not only the self-defence aspect but also the other values it teaches.  This is also a great way of meeting people, socializing and making new friends. Overall, it is very good for the physical well-being of a person.

You can start the search by going online to search for Aikido gyms or centres in the Western Sydney area. You will see so many choices from the ones nearest your area or if you prefer a particular instructor or style. You can then make comparisons on the similarities and differences, range of fees and other factors you might find important. Then you can determine what suits you best. The information you gather can be a guide to making the right choice.

Want to learn aikido? Here at Shin Sen Dojo, we can help you get started so check us out today.

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